Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2.5x Powermate
Camera: DMK31AU03 USB Mono
Recording: 1500 frames @ 30 fps captured for each AVI. 20% used for final stacking.
0.5x focal reducer - HDR out of 4 images.
0.5x focal reducer.
Alternative of the above.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 9 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 17 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
Time lapse:
Sequence A - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 15½ minutes with a 1.5x barlow.
I stopped the recording as i couldn't see any noticable changes. Went inside to cool down, i was getting fried out in the sun.
Link 4mb quicktime at 900 x 700
Link 3.3mb inverted quicktime at 900 x 700
Sequence B - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 18½ minutes with a 1.5x barlow.
I guess i should have continued the previous recordings. As i came outside again shortly after i saw some new activity.
Link 4mb quicktime at 900 x 700
Link 3.4mb inverted quicktime at 900 x 700
Sequence A+B - Put A and B together into one sequence.
Link 8.2mb quicktime at 900 x 700
Link 6.8mb inverted quicktime at 900 x 700
Sequence C - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 15½ minutes with a 2.5x Powermate.
These were recorded pretty late in the evening and right above the neighbors hot roof.
Link 771kb quicktime at 700 x 650
Link 2mb inverted quicktime at 700 x 650