White light telescope: TS 102mm Individual f/11 refractor
White light filters: Baader Solar Continuum all used together with a Baader Herschel Wedge.
Recording: 3000 frames @ 30 fps captured for each AVI. 10% used for final stacking.
Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2x Ultima Barlow
Camera: DMK31AU03 USB Mono
Recording: 1500 frames @ 30 fps captured for each AVI. 20% used for final stacking.
Set a new personal record in the amount of data recorded this day.
145.1 GB of data in 250 AVIs were recorded durring a 4½ hour session.
The white light images were recorded late in the day after i had recorded the Ha images.
The thin cloud cover also became thicker and thicker so much so that the data i recorded with the 2x barlow were not good enough to be used.
White light with 1.5x barlow:
Ha images:
0.5x focal reducer - HDR out of 4 images.
0.5x focal reducer.
Alternative of the above.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 9 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
There was a flare while i was recording the above mosaic.
Only 6 minutes between these two frames here:
Started on Seq A time lapse right away after i had finished the mosaic of the surface.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 17 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
2x barlow - Mosaic of 4 images.
Link 831 x 2000 full resolution
2x barlow - Mosaic of 17 images.
Link 1433 x 2150 full resolution
Image with 2x barlow:
Time lapse:
Seq A - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 20½ minutes with 1.5x barlow.
The ending of the flare.
Link 1.8mb quicktime at 850 x 680
Link 1.8mb inverted quicktime at 850 x 680
Seq B - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 20½ minutes with 1.5x barlow.
There wasn't as much action in this area as i expected.
Link 2.8mb quicktime at 950 x 750
Link 2.7mb inverted quicktime at 950 x 750
Seq C - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 10½ minutes with 1.5x barlow.
There weren't any large movements here so i stopped after only 10 minutes.
Link 140kb quicktime at 750 x 700
Link 428kb inverted quicktime at 750 x 700
Seq D - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 20½ minutes with 1.5x barlow.
I noticed that this prom had disolved and spread out. I missed the actual event while i was recording the previous time lapses.
Link 189kb quicktime at 500 x 650
Link 628kb inverted quicktime at 500 x 650
Seq E - 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds for 30½ minutes with 2x barlow.
I noticed something was about to happen. A small prom had shown itself where that had been none just momemnts before.
This time i was finally there from the start almost. It delivered a good show :)
Link 2.7mb quicktime at 850 x 650
Link 3.5mb inverted quicktime at 850 x 650