White light telescope: TS 102mm Individual f/11 refractor
White light filters: Solar Continuum used together with a Baader Herschel Wedge.
Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2x Ultima Barlow
Camera: DMK31AU03 USB Mono
There were lots of clouds and haze during my recordings. Had issues with stacking. With some AVIs i had to delete 50% of the frames just in order to stack them.
Hydrogen Alpha:
0.5x focal reducer - HDR of 4 images.
Alternative of the above.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 9 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 17 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
White light:
The recordings are from 18:39 to 18:55 local time.
This is how the sky looked during these recordings.
The HDR images were made using Registax6 by saving out the wavelet images at gamma 0.70, gamma 1,00 and gamma 1,30 which were then used to make a HDR image in Photomatix.
Images with 1.5x barlow:
HDR versions:
HDR images with 2x barlow:
Seeing was too poor to get any better results than this.