Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2.5x Powermate
Camera: DMK31AU03 USB Mono
The air was rather turbulent. At times it was like looking at the sun through boiling water. Which is quite evident in the time lapse movies.
83,3GB data was recorded in 161 AVIs.
0.5x focal reducer - HDR from 4 images.
Alternative of the above.
Mosaic of 4 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
Mosaic of 8 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
Images with 2.5x powermate:
Link 1809 x 967 full resolution
Time lapse:
Sequence A: 600 frames (200 stacked) were recorded every 30. seconds for 15½ minutes. Recorded with 2.5x Powermate.
Link 1.1mb quicktime at 788 x 646
Link 1.2mb quicktime at 788 x 646
Cropped GIF animation.
Link 518kb GIF animation
Sequence B: 600 frames (200 stacked) were recorded every 30. seconds for 15½ minutes. Recorded with 2.5x Powermate.
Link 2.1mb quicktime at 964 x 652
Link 1.9mb quicktime at 964 x 652
Sequence C: 600 frames (200 stacked) were recorded every 30. seconds for 40 minutes. Recorded with 1.5x barlow. I had noticed there was an eruption in progress so i made the time lapse longer.
Link 6.4mb quicktime at 962 x 686
Link 6.3mb quicktime at 962 x 686
Cropped GIF animation.
Link 1.6mb GIF animation