Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2x Ultima Barlow
Camera: DMK31 USB Mono
This is how the sky looked for the majority of my captures. It cleared up completly later on.
Lots of thin clouds but i was determined to capture the sun. 62GB in 175 AVIs later became these images and animations.
All images and time lapses was captured in double stack mode.
0.5x focal reducer - HDR from 3 exposures.
Alternative of the above.
0.5x focal reducer - HDR from 4 exposures. Captured a few hours later and in clear weather.
Alternative of the above.
Mosaic of 5 images
Link 1700 x 1700 full resolution
Alternative of the above.
Link 1700 x 1700 full resolution
The following mosaic was captured through thin clouds. There was a small eruption in progress so i had turned down the exposure so it wouldn't burn out completely.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 4 images.
Link 1600 x 1600 full resolution
In the following images the Earth should be in correct scale with the sun. Let me know if i've gotten it wrong.
Images with 2x barlow:
Link 1473 x 1096 full resolution
Time lapse:
Sequence A: 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds.
Captured through thin clouds. I've tried to adjust most frames to reduce the amount of flickering. There are 3 frames that burns outs. The clouds cleared up in those 3 shots.
Link 2.1mb Quicktime 855 x 613
Sequence B : 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds. Almost no clouds. Only tiny, thin clouds drifted by once in a while.
Link 2mb Quicktime 779 x 626
Link 2mb inverted Quicktime 779 x 626
Sequence C: 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds.
Link 53kb Quicktime 364 x 566
Sequence D: 600 frames were recorded every 30 seconds. No clouds this time.
Link 111kb Quicktime 634 x 324
Link 129kb Inverted Quicktime 634 x 324