White light telescope: TS 102mm Individual f/11 refractor
White light filters: Baader Solar Continuum used together with a Baader Herschel Wedge.
Hydrogen Alpha: Lunt 60mm Solartelescope + Lunt 50mm front filter for double stack.
Extra equipment: 0.5x focal reducer, 1.5x barlow, 2x Ultima Barlow, 2.5x Powermate
Camera: DMK31 USB Mono
It was very nice weather this day. Hottest day of the year so far. The sun showed lots of activity which resulted in 78gb AVI data.
First the white light images:
I tried to do HDR with the stacked images. I took them into registax to do wavelets and saved 3 different images with various gamma settings.
These were then used to make a HDR image in Photomatix.
1.5x barlow
2x barlow
Seeing was far too poor for white light so i went over to hydrogen alpha. These were captured with double stack configuration.
0.5x focal reducer
Alternative of the above.
0.5x focal reducer - HDR from 7 different exposures.
Alternative of the above.
1.5x barlow - Mosaic of 9 images.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
Alternative of the above.
Link 2000 x 2000 full resolution
Images with 2.5x Powermate:
Time Lapse:
Sequence A - 600 frames were captured every 30 seconds with 1.5x barlow.
Link 1mb Quicktime at 539 x 408
Link 1mb Quicktime at 539 x 408 Inverted
Link 351k GIF animation at 264 x 152
Sequence B - 600 frames were captured every 30 seconds with 1.5x barlow.
Link 1.6mb Quicktime at 591 x 474
Link 1.4mb Quicktime at 591 x 474 Inverted
Sequence C - 600 frames were captured every 30 seconds with 1.5x barlow.
Link 3.9mb Quicktime at 918 x 678
Link 3.8mb Quicktime at 918 x 678 Inverted
Sequence D - 600 frames were captured every 30 seconds with 1.5x barlow.
Unfortunatley i ran out of harddisk space while i was capturing this one.
Link 63kb Quicktime at 415 x 246
Link 671kb GIF animation at 415 x 246