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Random Locations Sparks ----------------------- Add attribute (coEff) to your locator (Spark_Loc_01a) make it float min 0 max 1 default 0.25 type this in scripteditor pointOnSurface -ch 1 Expression Select the pointOnSurface node and turn on percentage. Then add expression to either U or V channel ------------------------- float $u=pointOnSurfaceInfo1.parameterU; float $v=pointOnSurfaceInfo1.parameterV; float $coeff=Spark_Loc_01a.coEff; float $randU=rand(-1*($coeff),$coeff); float $randV=rand(-1*($coeff),$coeff); float $randMoveU=$u+$randU; float $randMoveV=$v+$randV; float $clampU=smoothstep(0,1,$randMoveU); float $clampV=smoothstep(0,1,$randMoveV); pointOnSurfaceInfo1.parameterU=$clampU; pointOnSurfaceInfo1.parameterV=$clampV; --------------------------- Select your locator (Spark_Loc_01a) and go into hypergraph and middle mouse button drag pointOnSurfaceInfo1 onto Spark_Loc_01a. Select other from the menu and pick result/position in the left panel and pick translate in the right panel