Recorded 2011 - 07 - 11
Telescope: TS Individual 102mm f/11 Achromat
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha
Wanted to test out this scope with the Veil nebula.
12 x 300s at 2x2 bin.
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Recorded 2010 - 11 - 08
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
Filter: 1.25" Baader UV/IR Cut
Focus had shifted while i captured these subs :(
4 x 900s at ISO800.
Recorded 2010 - 11 - 04
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
Filter: 1.25" Baader UHC-S
Seeing wasn't very good and clouds kept coming in waves. That affected guiding and a bunch of subs had to be deleted.
5 x 600s at ISO800.
Full size
Recorded 2010 - 09 - 07
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
10 x 600s at ISO800.