Recorded 2012 - 02 - 15
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader IR-pass (685nm), H-Beta
This session was to test my H-beta filter on the nebula. There are some nasty spikes. The filter got replaced by Baader, thanks to my very kind dealer.
I had captured the IR-pass data a few days earlier but i wanted to compare it with the H-beta test.
Link Blink animation of the two images.
I played around with some color combinations with my new H-beta data:
R: Ha + 20% S-II
G: O-III + 20% Ha
B: H-beta + 20% O-III
Recorded 2011 - 02 - 26
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm Ha
5 x 600s.
Recorded 2011 - 02 - 20
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader Ha, O-III, S-II
Finally captured some better data in S-II and O-III.
R: 7 x 600s S-II
G: 11 x 300s Ha
B: 10 x 600s O-III
Lum: Combination of all 3
Full size
Here are some other color variations:
G: Ha
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R: Ha + 24% S-II
B: O-III + 15% Ha
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Recorded 2011 - 02 - 08
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono(
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm Ha
10 x 300s at 1x1 bin.
Full size
G: Ha
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Recorded 2010 - 11 - 08
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
Filter: 1.25" Baader UV/IR Cut
5 x 600s at ISO800.
Full size
Recorded 2010 - 10 - 26
Lens: Canon EF 70-300mm @ 300mm
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
10 x 450s at ISO800.
Recorded 2010 - 09 - 30
Telescope: Skywatcher 120mm f/5 Achromat
Camera: Orion Starshoot Deep Space Monochrome Imager II
Filter: 1.25" Baader H-Alpha 7nm
An experiment to see how a widefield achromat would do in Ha, quite well actually.
20 x 13s + 10 x 30s + 15 x 120s.
Recorded 2010 - 09 - 17
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Canon EOS 500D (unmodded)
My first image of this nebula.
20 x 120s at ISO800.
Full size