Recorded 2012 - 05 - 02
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha, O-III, S-II
Captured another 6 x 450s subs last night and stacked them with my previous data.
12 x 450s at 1x1 bin.
Full size 2948 x 2001
Sadly the O-III and S-II data wasn't very good and suffered greatly from M16s low position in the sky.
The blue (O-III) had some excess fog/haze in it i couldn't remove, hence the blue area to the upper left.
The red (S-II) suffered from the same but towards to lower right.
Full size 2907 x 1976
Recorded 2012 - 03 - 31
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha
6 x 450s at 1x1 bin.
Full size
Recorded 2011 - 05 - 23
Telescope: TS Individual 102mm f/11 Achromat
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha + 2" Baader Contrast Booster
My first shot ever of M16. I've always wanted to capture this object.
Used GREYCstoration noise reduction in Nebulosity. I'm very pleased with the results.
5 x 300s at 2x2 bin.
Full size