Recorded 2012 - 03 - 29
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader UV/IR Cut
I had worked hard to reduce flex in my autoguiding setup and after a few more fixes i could shoot 450s subs just fine.
21 x 450s at 1x1 bin
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Recorded 2011 - 01 - 29
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader UV/IR Cut
This nights data was stacked with data from 2 days earlier but with 300s subs.
Had trouble making flats at the time.
13 x 600s + 15 x 300s at 1x1 bin
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