Recorded 2012 - 03 - 25
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha, O-III, S-II
My entry into a danish forum contest. Data was captured during march over numerous nights. It came in 2nd out of 7.
R: S-II with 16 x 450s at 2x2 bin
G: Ha with 36 x 450s at 1x1 bin
B: O-III with 23 x 450s at 2x2 bin
Lum: Combination of all 3.
Reprocessed image from 2012-04-23
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This was my entry into the contest.
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Ha data.
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Recorded 2011 - 03 - 08
Telescope: Scopos 80mm f/7 triplet
Camera: Qcam9 mono
Filter: 1.25" Baader 7nm H-alpha, O-III
Captured these data just before dawn.
R: S-II 5x600s 2x2 bin
G: Ha 2x600s 1x1 bin
B: O-III 8x300s 2x2 bin
Luminance: Ha
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Ha channel.
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